Check In - Check Out

Time stamp, record your time in and out of work. There are several types.


An online check-in mechanism via mobile phone provides more convenience than before.

GPS coordinates are used to enter and leave work off-site. Supports standard time entry, shift work, and overtime hours when updating work attendance. You can track the status of entering and departing work in real time. When you check in, you can add photographs and messages. HR can immediately verify your workplace location.

Time stamps reflect the time in and out of work.
There are various formats.

1. Face/fingerprint

Facial recognition is used to validate an employee's identification before clocking in. This procedure is convenient, quick, and safe.

2. Lock coordinates using a GPS pin.

It uses GPS signals to determine employees' position. Suitable for companies with remote employees or that limit time stamps to buildings only.

3. Beacons

Use Bluetooth signals to time stamp activities. To deliver Bluetooth signals to employees’ smartphones. When the employee is within range of the beacon, they will be able to clock the time.


Entry and exit times are accessible on the LINE application.

Adjust the working hours.

It's a menu where individual employees can make requests. Adjust work hours independently to shorten the document process. You can also select multiple levels of approval for time adjustment requests.

Quickly stamp your work time and receive promptly notifications.

Employees and supervisors can view their attendance records using a user-friendly interface. By indicating the type of clock each time. Employee attendance can also be tracked via LINE.


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